Maria Cosmes. Between two. Le lien est rouge


Between two (2007), an intimate performance, designed to be performed by Maria and a male volunteer, creates a daily situation between both participants, an appointment, an encounter, a relationship it is not known if short or long, if it starts or not... While the encounter takes place, some false nails are glued, with the help of the partner and the narration of a story is produced that is inaccessible for the audience, until their red nails are joined by red threads. The image of her hands joined by those subtle colored threads moving little by little generates an image of an intensely ambiguous sexual charge.

Farewell is a breakup, now friendly. Once again we find recurring themes, relationships, rapprochement and separation, that violence of which I spoke earlier. The act of cutting the nails is an ordinary act, but in this context it becomes something violent. What has been joined at the beginning is cut and then reversed, with a certain impudence, by invading the intimacy of the other when he cuts nails, a banal act but certainly very private. In the end, only the pieces of nail of both are left on the table, joined by the red threads, the remains of that relationship.

Another aspect to highlight is the double reading, formal and conceptual, of the physical disposition of the people and elements in this performance: Maria and her collaborator sitting on both sides of a table while the rest of the audience is farther away. A video projector connected to a camera next to the table allows us to see in detail the subtle game between the two people, which unfold for the audience in two images: their relationship of intimacy to real size from a distance and the enlarged detail of their hands on the table. In spite of this, they know that in no case are they really capturing the essence of what happens at the table: games of glances, conversations in low voice . In short, a paradox: multiple points of view to achieve an incomplete vision of reality.

In Le lien est rouge (2003-2004), in the same line of intimate performances, a person-to-person bond is established, from which I would like to highlight the connotations of impurity and danger in contact, of fear and desire, an intense tension of a sexual nature and the fragile but powerful bonds established between people, who become entangled, who approach or flee, united by the red threads they let go and recover from their mouths.

Carlos Pina
Independent curator
director of eBent, international performance festival of Barcelona (2003-2010)
february 2013