Traces (2002)

( 2002. Universitat Autònoma. Bellaterra. 2003. Ardearganda, 3r encuentro de arte público. Arganda del rey, Madrid )

vídeo: Carlos Pina

In life, each person who passes leaves his mark on others; they mark us with their vision of themselves by choosing a scent with which to dress, just as each one of us also leaves his mark. In this way we will become the protagonists of new stories, we will leave traces and new traces in the virgin smell of other people or in that of people who have passed through the place of origin. A subtle web will be created, a metaphor for what we are now to each other; ephemeral like perfume. We hope that subtly enduring in the memory, we will be seed of emotions and feelings away from the empire of reason and the fury of our time.